Myofascial Release
What is Myofascial Release (MFR)?
Myofascial Release is a type of soft tissue procedure which entails a gentle blend of stretching muscle (Myo), using hands-on manipulation of the connective tissues (fascia). Fascia is strong connective tissue which performs a number of functions, including all-encompassing and separating of the muscles of the body, providing structural foundation and shield. This soft tissue is a broad film or network like structure that protects a variety of groups of cells inside the body. Every one of these cell groups, or tissue, serves a function associated to the body components they are connected to. A number of tissues, such as tendons, merely serve as connective tissue in order to link body structures, whereas additional tissues, like muscles, might help promote movement.
Myofascial Release - The Ultimate Mind/Body Therapy
Myofascial Release is a safe, effective therapy for a variety of health issues, including:
Chronic Pain & Dysfunction
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Head Trauma
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Temporomandibular Problems (TMJ)
Recurring Sports Injuries
What is the Myofascial Release Procedure?
Briefly it operates on the principle that a lot of individuals retain stress within the fascia, which leads to the muscles to seize or lock. This can be made worse by muscle injury as well as scarring. The process is designed to access these locations of blockage and tension in order to release them, and in doing so, releasing the muscle and enabling it to move about more easily and efficiently.
As I have already stated Myofascial Release is the manipulation and stretching of the soft tissues of the body, with specific focus on muscles and pressure points. The procedure can be used as part of physical therapy, or on its own to assist in relaxing regions where muscles are tense. In a number of situations, it may concentrate on pressure points of the body that are believed to offer pain relief or health wellbeing at further regions of the body.
In all cases, it is important to make known any underlying medical conditions as well as issues you may have to your therapist, so that he or she can alter the session to suit your body and needs.
MFR Not Recommended be carried out on...
Should you have any of the following conditions, this type of massage must not be used:
fever, infection, broken bones, infectious disease, high blood pressure, tumors, open wounds, muscle ruptures, heavy bruising, herniation, burns, myositis ossificans or thrombosis.
bleeding disorders such as hemophilia.
at the area of varicose veins.
for people with severe heart conditions
some skin infections.
Some gastrointestinal conditions can also be complicated by massage, and at the very least, it can be uncomfortable, so it is essential you discuss such situations with your therapist before you begin any treatment. This is by no means an exhaustive list of conditions for which this massage is not recommended.
If you suffer with any rare medical condition or you are taking medication to treat a specific medical issue, always consult your therapist before commencing any massage therapy.